A new Hot Water Heaters Denver can save money and energy in many ways. It can also lower your utility bills and help the environment.
Many homeowners don’t even consider a hot water replacement until their existing one breaks down. They often rush out to put in whatever is available rather than choosing a model that suits their family’s needs and offers real energy efficiency.

Corrosion is the natural deterioration of metals due to interaction with the atmosphere. It produces unwanted compounds such as oxides and hydroxides that degrade the material’s useful properties like strength, appearance, or permeability to liquids and gases. Corrosion is most often seen on metals, although some non-metals can rust as well.
There are a number of different types of corrosion that metals can undergo, including galvanic, pitting, crevice, and stress corrosion. Corrosion is accelerated by warm temperatures, acidic compounds, and salts. It can also be caused by scratching or denting the surface, which creates electrostatic potential differences between adjacent metal surfaces. This causes them to operate as anodes and cathodes of a galvanic couple and accelerates the corrosion rate.
A common type of corrosion is rusting, which is the formation of iron oxides on the surface of the metal. The metal loses its ductility and strength as the oxides form, and the corrosion product deposits become thicker with time. The resulting surface is rough, discolored, and porous. The thickness of the deposits can be used to estimate the amount of corrosion that has taken place.
Pitting corrosion occurs when small cavities, called pits, are formed in the surface of the metal. These pits are the result of de-passivation in a small area, which becomes anodic and part of the remaining metal becomes cathodic, producing a localized galvanic reaction. The pits can be filled with corrosion products and become embedded, making them difficult to detect. The pits can eventually cause a hole in the metal that results in structural failure.
Microbial corrosion, also known as biogenic corrosion, is caused by the action of microorganisms on metallic and non-metallic materials in the presence or absence of oxygen. These organisms can oxidize ferrous metals to form iron oxides and hydroxides or oxidize sulfur to produce hydrogen sulfide, leading to biogenic sulfide corrosion.
Fortunately, there are many time-tested methods to prevent and mitigate corrosion. These include materials selection and design, protective coatings, monitoring and inspection, cathodic protection, and chemical inhibitors. These techniques can significantly reduce the 2.5 trillion dollars that corrosion costs on a global basis.
Sediment buildup is a common problem for homeowners. Your water heater tank can accumulate sediment from the minerals and particulates in your home’s freshwater supply. This buildup can lead to a variety of issues, including leaking and reduced energy efficiency. It may also shorten the lifespan of your water heater.
If you notice a lack of hot water or if the water is cloudy or sandy, it could be due to a sediment problem in your water heater. You can help prevent this from happening by draining the tank and cleaning the sediment.
Another way to avoid sediment buildup is by installing a water softening system. This will help reduce the calcium and magnesium in your home’s water, which cause hard water that damages pipes and decreases the effectiveness of soaps and detergents.
Over time, sediment can actually damage your water heater’s interior lining. As the sediment moves around in your water heater, it can hit and clank against the steel inside, causing it to deteriorate and rust. If left untreated, this can eventually pierce your water heater’s tank, leading to a leak and possible replacement.
Small accumulations of sediment aren’t a big deal, but large amounts can affect the operation of your hot water heater. For example, the sediment can interfere with your water heater’s drainage valve, causing it to clog. You’ll also experience reduced water efficiency, as the sediment blocks the heat transfer. The buildup can also allow harmful bacteria to enter your water supply.
One of the most effective ways to prevent a buildup is by flushing your water heater at least twice a year. To do this, shut off the power and gas to your water heater, then disconnect a hose from the drain valve and route it somewhere safe, such as a floor drain. Turn off the hot water faucet closest to the water heater and begin draining the tank. Once the sediment has been removed, shut off the drain valve, reconnect the cold water valve and turn on your water heater to refill. When you’re ready to use the water, test it for color and clarity and ensure it is sediment-free.
If you have a newer hot water heater, an electrical thermostat problem could be the cause of your lack of hot water. When you flip the circuit breaker on, electric current runs through two wires from the thermostat to the heating elements within the heater. If your thermostat is defective, it can’t complete the circuit, which means your heater can’t produce heat.
Luckily, you can test your thermostat to see whether it is the culprit by using a multimeter. First, shut off your water heater and remove the access panel. Then, turn the top thermostat to its highest setting and the bottom one to its lowest. Power up your multimeter and touch one of its leads to the reset terminal for the upper thermostat and the other to the left-side terminal (the one with the power wires). If the multimeter reads 1 or 0, the lower thermostat is broken, which means it can’t complete an electrical circuit, and it needs to be replaced.
If the multimeter reads 0 or 1, you’re good to go and your upper thermostat is working fine. You can then move on to testing the lower thermostat, which is a bit more complicated because you have to work around live wires. Basically, you need to heat up the tank and then measure the resistance of the upper and lower thermostat’s terminals. If the lower thermostat’s resistance is less than one ohm, it is stuck closed and must be replaced.
If your lower thermostat can’t complete an electrical circuit, you’ll likely need to replace the dip tube, which is a plastic or metal pipe that connects the upper and lower elements. While you can try replacing it on your own, the best way to ensure that the new dip tube fits properly is to have a professional do it. The most common cause of a dip tube failure is damage to the copper connections due to corrosion. The best way to prevent this is to use a non-corrosive copper tubing. You can find non-corrosive copper tubing at most hardware stores, home centers, and plumber’s wholesalers.
Gas leaks are a serious issue that can threaten your safety and cause major property damage. They may occur due to corroded pipes, damaged or aging pipelines, improper installation of appliances, natural disasters, human error, mechanical failure of valves and fittings and overpressure in the system. These leaks are extremely dangerous as they can lead to fires, explosions, health complications and even death. However, they can be prevented with a few simple measures.
If you suspect that your water heater has a gas leak, the first thing you should do is turn off the gas at the main valve. Next, you should open your windows and doors to air out the building. After that, evacuate the house and call 911 immediately. The emergency operator will direct the local gas company and fire department to your location.
Some signs of a possible gas leak are the smell of rotten eggs and hissing sounds. A rotten egg odor indicates that sulfuric acid is present, which means there is a gas leak nearby. A hissing sound is a sign that the leak is coming from a gas line or appliance. In most cases, the source of a gas leak is a faulty or damaged gas line. The most common cause is old pipes made from cash iron. These pipes corrode and wear away the outer layer over time, causing hairline cracks and leaks. Other causes of leaks include earthquake damage and aging appliances that don’t receive enough gas.
You can also identify a potential gas leak by using a soap and water test. A mixture of soap and water will cause bubbles to form near the leakage area.
In addition to health hazards, gas leaks can cause fires and explosions. They can also have long-term financial implications. Fortunately, you can avoid these issues by performing regular maintenance and installing carbon monoxide detectors.
The most important thing to remember when dealing with a gas leak is that you should never search for the source of the problem yourself. Doing so could expose you to the leaked gas and put you at risk of being injured or killed. Unless you have professional experience, leave the detection and repair of leaks to professionals.